Construction of the new Sports and Recreation Centre

The Town of Montreal West is undertaking a $39.2 million project to build a modern Sports and Recreation Centre. This project is made possible, in large part, by the $16 million granted to the Town by the Programme d’aide financière aux infrastructures récréatives et sportives (PAFIRS – EBI).

The modern and accessible facilities will serve people of all ages, from babies to seniors, and will house the Town’s robust recreational programming. It will also achieve environmental goals and fully satisfy the Town’s needs for a multi-functional, multigenerational facility.

The new Sports and Recreation Center is set to open in 2025 and will be located at 220 Bedbrook Avenue,  the site of the former Montreal West pool and Legion Memorial Rink.

Here are some preliminary images of the new Sports and Recreation Center.

Floor plans

View a PDF of the floor plans.

You may click on the image to enlarge.

Level 1

Level 2

The current plans for the new Sports and Recreation Center include the following :

  • Regulation sized-rink
  • « L-shaped » 25-meter outdoor swimming pool with separate deep end
  • Kiddie pool
  • Gymnasium
  • Two multipurpose rooms
  • 6 locker rooms for players including 2 universally accessible rooms
  • Referee locker room
  • Pro shop
  • Café-restaurant
  • Offices
  • Kitchen facilities

In a later phase, the project will include a soccer field and running track.

Objectives of the new Sports and Recreation Center

The Town plans to develop a single recreational and sports services hub in this strategic location to promote active living to all. To this end, the project will include the arena, the pool, multipurpose rooms and a small gymnasium.

The Town wants the project to be sustainable and resilient to the effects of climate change and envisions an eco-responsible and sustainable design.

It is essential for the Town to provide access to all citizens and users, regardless of age or ability. This stems from a desire to make Montreal West a town that is accessible to all, equitable and inclusive.

Designed for our residents

Montreal West recognizes that sports and recreation activities must reflect community interests and needs. In order to better identify the needs of stakeholders, the Town conducted a town-wide survey, met with key representatives of the community throughout the years and held public consultation meetings.

Who will benefit from the new Center?

Everyone! The new Center will serve babies, children, teenagers, adults and seniors alike through a variety of different programs and activities.

Frequently asked questions

The Town has received many questions from residents concerning the new Sports and Recreation Center project. An FAQ has been prepared for the benefit of the community. 

Read the FAQ


In May 2021, it was announced that the Town of Montreal West received a grant of $ 12,556,727 from the federal and provincial governments as part of the Financial Assistance Program for Recreational and Sports Infrastructures (PAFIRS) for the reconstruction of its Sports and Recreation Center. This program aims to support the presence of sport and recreation infrastructures in good condition in all regions of Quebec and to increase access to these infrastructures for the population.

Fundraising campaign

Launched in 2021, the silent fundraising campaign for the new Sports and Recreation Center has already received important support from a number of partners. The fundraising campaign aims to reduce the tax burden on its citizens, to multiply the sources of financing and to create a sense of belonging among the various partners.

The Town held a special event for the official launch of the public fundraising campaign on Sunday, November 20 from 12 to 3:30 p.m. at Hodgson Field.

For event details

June 27, 2023: web update, e-bulletin and Facebook post

June 18, 2023: web update and e-bulletin

June 18, 2023: e-bulletin

  • Reminder of polling day info

June 13, 2023: e-bulletin

  • Reminder of polling day info

June 10, 2023: e-bulletin

  • Council's response to What are we getting flyer

June 8, 2023: e-bulletin

  • Reminder of advance poll

June 3-4: flyer delivered to every household in Montreal West

May 30, 2023: e-bulletin

  • Referendum details (representatives and personnel)

May 20, 2023: e-bulletin, news item and update to FAQ

May 9, 2023: e-bulletin and web update 

  • Referendum polling information
  • FAQ

May 5, 2023: e-bulletin and news item

May 3, 2023: e-bulletin

  • Reminder of register day on May 5

April 28, 2023: e-bulletin and news item

April 27, 2023: Special council meeting

April 25, 2023: web update

April 13, 2023: news item and e-bulletin

April 3, 2023: e-bulletin

  • Update on the opening of the bids 

March 31, 2023: web update

  • Preliminary report of bids received (without conformity verifications) was posted to the FAQ page

March 21, 2023: E-bulletin and web update

March 17, 2023: E-bulletin and news item

March 2, 2023: E-bulletin

  • Resolution to hold a vote adopted on February 27

February 27, 2023: Council meeting

February 24-26, 2023 : The Informer

February 14, 2023: News item and e-bulletin

February 8, 2023: Website update

February 8, 2023: The Suburban

February 7, 2023: E-bulletin and update to the Feb 2 news item

February 3, 2023: E-bulletin

  • Loan By-law procedure

February 2, 2023: Special council meeting

February 2, 2023: News item

February 2, 2023: E-bulletin

  • Special council meeting question period

January 31, 2023: News item and e-bulletin

January 30, 2023: Council meeting

January 27-29, 2023 : The Informer

November 25-27, 2022: The Informer

November 22, 2022: E-bulletin

  • Announcement: public fundraising campaign is launched

November 21, 2022: News item

November 9, 2022: E-bulletin and news item

September 30 – October 2, 2022: The Informer

September 6, 2022: Public consultation

  • Consultation meeting with residents living close to the center (by invitation)

June 2, 2022: News item and e-bulletin

May 30, 2022: Council meeting

May 17, 2022: E-bulletin

  • Reminder to complete online survey

May 11-18, 2022: online survey

  • Public consultation open to all residents

May 11, 2022: News item and e-bulletin

April 28, 2022: Local round table

  • Public consultation activity with local community organizations (by invitation)

April 22-24, 2022: The Informer

April 21, 2022: Public consultation

  • Public consultation activity with residents (open to all interested residents who signed up)

April 7, 2022: Public consultation

  • Public consultation activity with residents (open to all interested residents who signed up)

March 25-27, 2022: The Informer

February 25-27, 2022: The Informer

February 28, 2022: E-bulletin

  • Invitation to a presentation on the new Sports and Recreation Center by Mayor Beny Masella to the Rotary (open to all)

February 21, 2022: E-bulletin

  • Reminder to participate in the public consultations

February 15, 2022: News item and e-bulletin

Follow the progress of the project

This web page has been made available to the public to keep you informed as information becomes available to the general public. The Town of Montreal West intends to be proactive and transparent regarding all the key stages of the project. Stay tuned!

For any questions or comments on the new Sports and Recreation Center, we invite you to use the form below.

November 17, 2021 – Awarding of a professional services contract for the architectural firm and multidisciplinary team

At the November 15th meeting, Council awarded a contract to Consortium Blouin Tardif Architectes | Coarchitecture Architectes for the architectural professional services with a multidisciplinary team to design the sports and recreation centre. 

At the end of call for tenders the Town had received 5 bids. To select the successful bidder, a selection committee was formed in accordance with the law to carry out the thorough process of evaluating the tenders. The committee included members of our Town management as well as outside resources that were hired for their experience and expertise. The committee reviewed the bids for a total of 95 hours before making a recommendation to Council who awarded the mandate.

September 29, 2021 – Public call for tenders for the professional architectural services and multidisciplinary team

The Town of Montreal West is pleased to announce that the Sports and Recreation Centre 2.0 project is moving forward. On September 27, 2021, the Town issued a public call for tenders for the professional architectural services and multidisciplinary team required to carry out this project.

The project consists of the reconstruction of the Town’s Sports and Recreation Centre, including an indoor skating rink and outdoor aquatic facilities. This also includes the demolition of the existing obsolete infrastructure, namely the Legion Memorial Rink, the adjoining outdoor swimming pool and the North Chalet.

Bids will be received by the Town Clerk’s Office at the Town of Montreal West, until 12:59 p.m. on Tuesday, November 2, 2021.

Order the tender document (MO-09-21-01) online on the Quebec Electronic Tendering System (SEAO)

As the new Sports and Recreation Centre project moves into it’s next phase, the Town has launched the consultation process with Montreal West citizens.

For more information

The Town is planning to hold a capital campaign. The objectives of this campaign are to reduce the tax burden on its citizens, to multiply the sources of financing and to create a sense of belonging among the various partners.

At the May 31, 2021 Council meeting, Mr. Scott MacKenzie was appointed Chair of this campaign. The Town wished to create an independent governance structure to manage the solicitation activities. These volunteers are committed to the development of the recreational and sports offer as well as the outreach of the Town of Montreal West.

Learn more about Scott MacKenzie

It was important for the Town to ensure the integrity of the process by creating a steering committee, consisting of the campaign chair and volunteers, to review and receive all donations. A Donation Review Committee was also established to oversee the implementation and operationalization of the administrative process.
More details on the capital campaign will follow. In the meantime, please fill out the form below for any questions.

This financial assistance will allow us to build our city of tomorrow, with an adapted, accessible and sustainable recreational and sports infrastructure. This project has not only become necessary to modernize our sports and community facilities, but it has been demanded for several years by a large number of organizations in our community.