Updated on May 16th: the trees are sold out! An email confirming the selected tree species as well as payment details will be sent to all residents who have reserved a tree.
Our sixth annual tree giveaway will begin May 6, 2019. A total of 45 trees will be made available to Montreal West residents on a first come first serve basis. Fill out the order form below if you are interested in buying a $10 tree. We will be accepting orders from May 6th at 8:30 a.m. to May 17th at 4:30 p.m. or until quantities have run out. Orders received before the start time will not be considered. Maximum of one tree request per household. Trees will be delivered to the residents at the end of May/early June (date to be determined).
Trees can be purchased for a $10 administrative fee (cash or cheque made payable to the Town of Montreal West) and payment must be received at the Community Center no later than May 23. Trees must be planted by the residents themselves. Please note, however, that these trees cannot be planted on land that belongs to the Town, that is, in the area between the property line and the sidewalk.
For all questions please contact Chris Kearney at ckearney@montreal-west.ca or 514-484-1976.
Choose from one of these tree species
- Katsura (Cercidiphyllum japonicum) – SOLD OUT
2. Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis) – SOLD OUT
3. American Hophornbeam (Ostrya virginiana) – SOLD OUT