On Monday June 28th and Tuesday June 29th 2021, the Town of Montreal West will be carrying out asphalt work on Westminster Avenue North between Milner and Curzon. The repairs involve the localized application of asphalt and will be minimally disruptive with regards to noise and dust.
While the work is in progress, half of the road on Westminster will need to be closed. However, two-way traffic will be maintained at all times. This will be achieved through a two-day prohibition of street parking along both sides of the street. The parking restrictions will be indicated by temporary signage and will come into effect on June 28th at 6:30am, remaining in place until the work is completed. Those needing to park are encouraged to use one of the free municipal parking lots located nearby on Westminster, Strathearn, and Percival Avenues.
The sidewalks on Westminster will not be affected by the repair work and will remain open throughout the duration of the project. Likewise, vehicular access to driveways and laneways will be maintained.
If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact Public Works at 514-485-8597, publicworks@montreal-west.ca, or through the contact form (select “Public Works” as the service). We thank you for your cooperation as we work to maintain the Town’s infrastructure in a state of good repair.