Montreal West’s Public Security team works seven days a week to ensure the protection of our community. Public Security’s responsibilities include surveying the Town’s territory and preserving the peace in public areas (parks, public roadways, municipal buildings, etc.), for the safety and quality of life of the citizens.

To do so, the patrollers conduct preventive patrols across Montreal West territory and ensure the application of municipal by-laws concerning:

  • Parking and obstruction of public roadways
  • Damage to public property, (graffiti, etc.)
  • Surveillance of parks and public buildings 
  • Noise, disturbances, nuisances

Who should you call?

For emergency situations where lives or property are threatened (requiring police, fire or ambulance services) please dial 911. For non-emergency situations (e.g. suspicious car), you can call the Municipal Patrol (dispatch) at 514 630-1234.

Check out our list of important phone numbers for general information and inquiries. To report an incident or request a patrol, please call dispatch; dispatch can be reached 24 hours a day.

SituationPoliceFire StationMunicipal Patrol
Emergency (life-threatening)911911
Non-urgent514 280-2222
(24 hours)
514 630-1234
(24 hrs a day)
Danger on roads, traffic514 280-2222
(24 hours)
Animal control514 630-1234
(24 hrs a day)
Vandalism, loitering514 630-1234
(24 hrs a day)
Parking514 630-1234
(24 hrs a day)