UPDATE: The City of Montreal has extended their building permit to March 6. They expect to have the large equipment out by Friday, February 28 (weather permitting). The street will then be reopened to traffic. Although the main work has been completed, specific interventions will be carried out during the first week of March (pipe cleaning, installation of a flow regulator, leak test, etc.). Any obstructions caused by these operations will be very localized, and will occur mainly in Toe Blake Park. Sodding of the park will take place in the spring.
The City of Montreal is carrying out winter work on the storm and sanitary sewer systems in Toe Blake Park to significantly reduce the contamination of the stream running through the Meadowbrook Golf Course. Work is scheduled to begin during the week of January 27, 2020, weather permitting, and will take place over the course of three weeks.
The south end of Toe Blake Park will be closed for the duration of the work. Promenade Sheraton will be closed to traffic between Toe Blake Park and Bandstead, but will remain open to local traffic only. Drivers should take Chemin Banstead to bypass the work area. The southbound lane on Promenade Sheraton will be closed, but the garage entrances will be accessible.
Residents in the area have received a notice from the City of Montreal. For further information, consult the Info-travaux website or contact the City of Montreal at 514-872-3777.