The Culinary Gala held last Saturday was a resounding success, raising over $85,000 to equip the kitchen at the new Sports and Recreation Centre. The event would not have been possible without the dedication of a passionate committee of volunteers who mobilized Montreal's culinary giants to make this gala unforgettable.
Congratulations to the organizing committee:
Siobahn Babkine, Kirk Coleman, Julie Ducharme, Jean Ducharme, Derek Elliot, Sherri McGurnaghan, Janet Masella, Eliane Rouben, Alexandra Tremblay, Carolyn Wells, Brad Wing, and the Town's Recreation and Culture team.
A special thank you to the event’s major sponsors, the generous food sponsors and to all the auction item donors. We would also like to thank Fred Morin who helped bring these renowned chefs and restaurateurs together and thank you to everyone who purchased a ticket or placed a bid during the auction.
Looking ahead, we are excited that a fully equipped kitchen, where workshops on cooking, eating well, and promoting a healthy lifestyle will be available to all residents.
Food Sponsors:
Arthur’s Nosh Bar, Benji Greenberg, Burger de Ville, Chez Lolly, Croissant Monkland, Distribution Macchi, Escomptes Mini-Coût, Falafel St. Jacques, G Sacchetti Pizza & Boulangerie Italienne, IGA Lipari, Joe Beef, Le Violon, Les Délices Lafrenaie, McKiernan, Nora Gray, Pâtisserie de la Gare, Randy’s Bistro, Terrone, and Tuck Shop.
Major Sponsors:
Remax- Mike Senderak, Montreal West Civic Recreation Association, Bastion Asset Management, Industries Jacques, Universal Safety, Ortho-NDG
Auction Item Donors:
Alouettes de Montreal (Carl Comeau), Animalerie Little Bear, Atelier Zamara, Au Premier Coiffure, Avenue Dentaire, Basketball Québec, Boucherie Chartier, Boue Studio de Poterie, Campbell Encadrement, Casa Petite, Cazza Petite Boutique, CCM Canada (Trevor Drummond), Chicago Pizza, Club Atwater, Club de Tennis de Montreal-Ouest, Coiffure Louis Robert, Concordia Gym Perfom, CoreXcellence, Crêpes et Raviolis Chinois Montréal, Dixie Cricket, Dr Isabelle Huot, Dr Kalin Veterinary, Elixirs Vins et Spiritueux, EQLib MediSpa, Escomptes Mini-Coût, Esthetique Ellequence, Eva Lemanczyk de Barn Art, Faema Montréal, Fairmont Hôtel (Anne Marie Marilley), Family Dave Woods, Forest & Stream Club, Gâteaux & Co., Giovanni Vêtements, Gym 909, Hockey Montreal, Home Tree Domenic Todi, Hôtel Bonaventure (Chris Marilley), Institut Top Beauté, Jade Pollack, Jasmine & Lindsey, John Bowie Art, Julie Ducharme, Kanawaki Golf Club (Tom Johnstone), Kim & Ken Darlington, Kombi Canada (Tim Marilley), LAÖ CABINES, La pharmacie Budning/Proxim, l'artiste locale Carole Desmarteau, Le Club de Vin Opimian, Les Pianos Westend, L'Hôpital vétérinaire de Côte St Luc, Lisa Ouaknine, Livres Bonder, Marché de fleurs Westminster, Marnie Scanlan, Mayor Masella, Medispa Victoria Park, Michelle Deschênes, Million Tapis et Tuiles de Montréal, Montréal Alliance Basketball, Montréal Highland Games (Sherri McGurnaghan), Nettoyeurs Westminster, NURISH Cosmétiques, Olive Saint-Henri, Opimian Wine Club de Vin, Pasta Casareccia, Pharmaprix, PWHL Kevin McKenzie, Restaurant Rita, Roses de Montreal, Ruth Bilefsky, Saute Moutons (Jack Kowalski), Spa Holistique Ayurveda, Sport au Gus, Sports Experts, Sports Rousseau, Stella & Dot, Studio Pilates, Tanit Botanics, Terrone Fine Épicerie Italienne, Les Thés Totem, Val Caudalies - Vignoble & Cidrerie, Vêtements Giovanni, Ville de Montreal-Ouest, Wouf Poof, XO Jewelry, and Zikaami Design.