The Town continues to provide essential services while maintaining our commitment to provide the best possible service to our residents. We thank you for your understanding as we work through this together.
I am appealing to you now, as your Mayor and as a pharmacist still working daily on the front lines, to follow all the directives from public health officials. We’ve all heard these instructions repeatedly:
- stay home
- only go out for essential services (food, medication, medical appointments)
- wash your hands often (use hand sanitizer when you can’t access soap and water)
- maintain social distancing – at least 2 metres between you any anyone else you come across
- if you have just returned from outside the country or if you are feeling sick, self-isolate for 14 days
- if you experience any possible symptoms, call 1-877-644-4545 for advice
In terms of social distancing: if you go out for a walk in your neighbourhood, please remember to maintain a 2-metre distance with others. A walk on our streets will help pass the time but we must not walk cheek to jowl. It’s not the time for group sports in the streets, nor the time for gatherings in your homes. Social distancing is the best practice to avoid propagating the spread of the virus.
It is also the time to step up and be good neighbours. Call your neighbours, check how they are doing, see if you can pick something up for them at the grocery store if you’re going for yourself. People can feel isolated in their homes – a phone call can be so helpful.
The Town of Montreal West has put an economic measure in place to help citizens face the economic challenges related to COVID-19. We will be deferring payment of the second instalment of municipal taxes to June 22.
We have taken the necessary precautions to ensure that our residents and staff stay as safe as possible during this pandemic. But everyone has a role to play. Sometimes that role is as easy as staying home. We will come through this together.
Beny Masella,