The Town of Montreal West received a request for a Certificate of authorization for demolition of the property located at 74 Easton Avenue (lot number 1 290 736).
With a goal of ensuring effective communication and considering the large-scale of this urban planning project, Council wishes to share this request with a larger audience. This supplements the public notice published in The Suburban newspaper on Wednesday, November 27.
The submitted request calls for the following at 74 Easton Avenue:
1. Demolition of the main building and detached garage;
2. Removal of the in-ground pool;
3. Subdivision of 3 lots;
4. Ultimately, the construction of three single-family buildings (one on each new lot).
The Demolition Committee of the Town of Montreal West will hold a meeting to consider this request in view of rendering a decision. Any interested person may be heard by the Demolition Committee at the meeting.
Where: 50 Westminster Avenue South
When: December 16, 2019 at 6:30 p.m.
Every person wishing to oppose the granting of a Certificate of authorization for said demolition must make their objections known by December 9, 2019 – IN WRITING – to the undersigned Town Clerk, at the following address: 50, Westminster Avenue S., Montreal West, Quebec, H4X 1Y7.